
Extra Excitement on the Farm…


We had extra excitement on the farm this spring. Jon fell getting cows in and broke his right leg. While PaPa’s leg healed Da had fine help with the farm chores.

Extra Excitement on the Farm…2023-03-30T20:06:52-05:00

Why So Many AI Sires?


The reason we use so many different AI sires is due to the fact that Jon studies AI sires, as well as each of our cows, then individually matches traits to improve the quality of our calves.

Why So Many AI Sires?2023-03-30T20:06:52-05:00

Spring AI


Spring AI is complete. We have bred 21 heifers and 33 cows to AI bulls Horizon, All In, Patriot, Niagara, Fortress, War Party, Playbook, In Focus, Weigh Up, Capitalist, Hoover Dam, Black Pearl, Rock Star, and Sure Fire. The cows have now been turned in with our new herd bull Briarwood Top Game 6013 (Doc-2);

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Spring Sales


Spring sales are history! Thank you to all our bidders and buyers who made the sales a success.

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Spring Calving


Spring calving is finished with 37 calves on the ground out of All In, Comrade, Weigh Up, Tanker, Signature, Black Pearl, Tour of Duty, Fortress, Patriot, Connealy Cool, Blacksmith, Straight Up, EXAR Stud, Coon 209 Gusto 411, and Briarwood Mr Bismarck 5014.

Spring Calving2023-03-30T20:06:54-05:00
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